Episode 12: Am I Dreaming?
In which Kasey James challenges reality and wins – sort of. We also meet a ghost, who reminds us that dreams can be dangerous and if you die in a nightmare.. well. Do you wake up again?
Episode 11: Neophile Season 2 Teaser
Further adventures of Kasey James, accidental investigator of.. what exactly? The last thing she remembers is the tower room in the Bridge House, the storm, saying yes to Walker.. This story follows directly from Neophile Season 1, The Bridge House. If you’re new to the show, start at the beginning 🙂
Episode 10: Revelations
In the final episode of season 1, Kasey James has to make a choice: save the world, or save herself. And if she chooses to close the gate and save herself, then she is also choosing to stay here, on the wrong side of reality, with Walker and Arial… Neophile will return with Season 2…
Episode 7: Vodnik
Kasey James discovers a garden in the basement, and learns how to close cracks in reality. She also doesn’t get dragged into the depths by the vodnik, or any related entities. We also learn a little mroe about Kasey’s missing friend, Eddy – the one who vanished the last time Kasey ran into some sort…
Episode 6: Thorns and Flowers
Kasey meets another denizen of the Bridge House, not quite a ghost but not human either. An artificial being, who seems to know more about what’s really going on than anyone really should.. This episode features guest vocals by Michele Ong, as Arial. She’ll be back in later episodes.
Episode 5: Midnight
In which our intrepid heroine makes her way into the master bedroom, encounters a somewhat curious stone obelisk, and also a very disturbing creature that appears to have climbed out of a puddle. In which it could not possibly have fit. The Haunt also makes another appearance. You didn’t think he was going to just…
Episode 4: Medusa
Fleeing the tower library and its strange inhabitant, Kasey James explores a little of the first floor of the Bridge House, including gallery – wherein are a number of curious artworks and a rather disturbing statue. Or is it only a statue?
Episode 3: The Tower
Kasey James retreats from the kitchen and heads upstairs to the tower, bypassing several ghost-signs to find something, or someone, waiting in The Tower.