Draconum Games

Draconum Games produces and publishes tabletop role-playing supplements and materials for a variety of rulesets and systems, including Pathfinder (both the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, aka first edition, and Pathfinder Second Edition), 5E (the 5th edition of the roleplaying game everyone is afraid to refer to directly because of their trademark lawyers, which has now been released under a Creative Commons license), and several others (we’re waiting on publication dates & license approvals to announce them).

Publications available & forthcoming through Draconum Games Studio:

Yarthe campaign setting cover image
Yarthe Campaign Setting
Dragons of Yarthe cover image
Dragons of Yarthe
Cleric Domains of Yarthe cover image
Cleric Domains of Yarthe (forthcoming)
Griffon Rules for PF2 front cover
Rules for Griffon characters in Pathfinder Second Edition
Guardian Griffons of the Tower of the Dead - front cover
Guardian Griffons of the Tower of the Dead – a standalone Pathfinder 2 adventure module for 4th level griffon characters)

Cats of Ulthar (forthcoming)

Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 1: Jenny in the Mist - front cover
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 1: Jenny in the Mist
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 2: Rest in Peace - front cover
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 2: Rest in Peace (forthcoming
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 3: Trouble Underground - front cover
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 3: Trouble Underground (forthcoming)
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 4: What's Up Doc? - front cover
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 4: What’s Up Doc? (forthcoming)